( I'm not sure what I already introduced myself on here.. but screw it. Plus it was kinda rude of me to NOT introduce myself before tbh ) hello I'm BiohazardCottonCandy! I'm a silly little artist that's a huge industrial technohead and thrash metalhead. I'll be posting my drawings and content on here since I'm more active here than other sites I'm on. Hopefully we'll get along well (or not) as I enjoy making new friends along the way. BUT I will have the right to block you from my page if you say everything remotely rude,hateful or just down right impolite that will never help me improve on things/art as I don't have time for negativity like that around here.
Ah yes the update, so I figured I'd give a heads up that I won't be active around the 15th as I'll be doing externship work at a hospital's cafeteria that my mom works in but I'll try to post whatever I can tho. Hope you understand that ^^;
Lots of love and support,